Asset tracking made easy: Favendo integrates Aruba WLAN access points into its RTLS
Many companies already rely on a WLAN infrastructure with Aruba access points. So why not use existing systems if you want to implement an additional asset tracking solution?
To leverage existing systems even more efficiently, Favendo has integrated Aruba access points into Favendo’s RTLS. This makes it easier for companies to implement a customized asset tracking solution and create added value. Upgrading the existing infrastructure, enables companies to improve efficiency and productivity while keeping the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) as low as possible.
What are Aruba WLAN Access Points?
Aruba WLAN access points provide simple, secure and fast connectivity to enhance enterprise IT, user and IoT experiences. Aruba indoor access points offer the latest WLAN standards (WLAN 5 & WLAN 6) for the best performance and highest possible security, and some even have integrated BLE radio units for asset tracking purposes.
A high-performance WiFi infrastructure is the key to successful IoT structures in companies, healthcare or educational institutions. At the same time, Aruba offers security mechanisms to sufficiently protect a large and multi-layered network of IoT devices and to avoid losing track of them. An ideal basis for high-performance and secure asset tracking.
The Integration
The Aruba WLAN access points are integrated into Favendo RTLS by acting as beacon trackers. This means that they receive the BLE signal from the BLE beacons in the vicinity and pass it on to the tracking system thanks to an adapter programmed by Favendo. This in turn feeds the raw data from the access points into the Favendo Commander Location Engine where the positions of the beacons are calculated using the RSSI method. This data can then either be fed into an existing CRM/ERP system via an open API or displayed on a map using the Favendo Viewer.
Key benefits of integrating Aruba access points into asset tracking solutions
Integrating Aruba WLAN access points into Favendo’s asset tracking solutions benefits in several ways: it continues to leverage an existing hardware infrastructure and adds value to it. On the one hand, this is sustainable and ensures that high-performance systems are built upon instead of investing in new independent systems that may not be compatible. On the other hand, the use of the access points automatically reduces the costs for the hardware when implementing an asset tracking solution.
If the number and density of existing access points is sufficient, additional beacon trackers can sometimes be dispensed with. However, this always depends on the use case, the tracking environment and the required accuracy.
Thanks to the flexible integration, it is easy to add additional Favendo Beacon Trackers as needed and to use them in a mixed installationwith an Aruba WLAN infrastructure. This creates the optimal conditions for the specific use case, while minimizing the additional hardware and installation effort. As a result, costs are reduced and the CO2 footprint of digital solutions is lowered.
How much additional hardware is ultimately required depends in turn on the required accuracy of your use case and the nature of the premises. But the key is that the Aruba WLAN access points already provide a very high-performance basis on which to build a powerful and scalable asset tracking solution based on BLE.